
Interactive video installation


The act of recognizing one's own image in a mirror is the hallmark of self-awareness, the favoured vantage point of reality.

The experience of recognition is thus the source in the identity of each individual: any disruption which alters these points of view is perceived by the observer as an exception to the ordinary logic and to linear perception of the self.

WHOAMI, using an interactive mirror that preserves memory of visitors,
reproduces the confusion created by this experience where the unforeseen bursts on the scene of senses.

The Python application detects in real time the presence of the person through computer vision, capturing the face and memorizing position and movement of it.

The user interacts with the installation approaching it, changing its reflected image in one of the past visitors, becoming himself part of WHOAMI and its future interactions.

We picked up the most new bleeding edge technologies and metodologies, from both academia and industry, building up a fully customized software and hardware system platform. From a customized Unix-like OS and OpenCL computing, passing throught an hd resolution time-of-fly camera and multi ssd Raid 0 array disk until efficient space partitioning and fast features detection, we carefully and insanely look after every single aspect just to make you feel whoamized.

The whole system and in primis the core, the Python code, is costantly under heavy creative development, improving your WHOAMI experience better and better! Stay tuned, stay whoamized!!!


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WHOAMI is available for hiring
Who we are
L. D'Amore - F. Matarazzo
Lorenzo D'Amore
Francesco Matarazzo
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